
Bont Invitational: The Like OMGs Go Down Under

SFVRD’s all-star travel team, The Like OMGs, kicked off their 2015 season Down Under at The Bont Invitational in Newcastle, Australia. SFV was one of two international teams invited to the WFTDA tournament, with a team from Finland being the other non-Australian team participating. Teams from all over Australia competed, including the top-ranking WFTDA team, Victoria Roller Derby.

Trek to Alaska: The Like OMGs Face Off with Rage City

After a hard-hitting home bout against the Ventura County Derby Darlins, in which the OMGs were victorious, the team hopped on a plane to Alaska to play against the Rage City Roller Girls of Anchorage! With only two full days in Alaska, the OMGs packed in as much sightseeing and fun local activities as they possibly could.