derby wives

Derby Wives: Dearly Beloved, Ladies & Broads...

By Ma-Skeeter

Lux & Vendetta & Sassy

There are many wonderful relationships that develop at SFV. Many find their best friend on skates and decide to become “derby wives.” Derby wives give that extra support to one another on and off the track. Here is what makes Killo, Legacy, Lux, Sassy, Vendetta, and Jams and Bratty’s wifedoms so unique!

1) What made you decide to become derby wives?
Sassy: I had a couple of girls ask me to be their wives, but I actually waited for Vendetta to ask me and she eventually did. She picked me up and gave me a ring, but it wasn't an ordinary ring. It was a wheel bearing transformed into a ring with a note attached that asked me to be her wife and of course I said, “YES!” 

I also wanted Lux to be a part of it since she's the reason why I’m here in derby. She introduced me to Vendetta before I started playing. We all clicked with each other within the first 5 minutes. We’re constantly laughing with or at each other and I love that about us.
Killo: We just clicked and it felt right. We have the same work ethic when it comes to practicing. Always up first and ready to roll.
Jams: I'm pretty sure that Bratty was peer-pressured into a very public proposal at Skating Plus after I came off the track in a bout against the West Coast Derby Knockouts…but we had already secretly decided that we were each other's "person" long before that.

Killo & Legacy (Credit: Chuck Gay Photography)

2) How long have you been derby wives?
Vendetta: We have been wives for a little over a year. Sassy and I asked Lux about a month after we became wives. Although, it feels like an eternity...

Legs: March of ’07.
Bratty: We have been derby wives since May 10th, 2014. 

3) What is your favorite memory of your derby wife (or wives) so far?
Lux: Well I can't narrow it down to just one memory. Vendetta is the classy one who gets all the free drinks. Sassy is the tough girl, but true softie at heart, and I'm the anarchist problem child. lol. So anytime we are together, it's a recipe for a good time.
Killo: My favorite is when we went to mess with an opposing team, the Varisty Brawlers, and Danny (Razor's husband) chased us with a bat and we had egg rolls tossed at us. All caught on video in nighttime mode. It was awesome. 
Bratty: My favorite memory of my derby wife was when I proposed. Jams had just played in a bout. Her husband, mother, and father were all there cheering us on. Her husband Chris joked that I should have asked for her hand first! We were later “married” at RollerCon by Razor in her Elvis outfit. We gave each other candy ring pops and said our “derby vows.”

Bratty & Jams

4) How do you support each other?
Vendetta: This is definitely a strong area for us. Like every skater, we have our ups and downs, good days and bad days. We all have vented to each other about how we feel about our own skating and boast a little about ourselves on good days. We are constantly giving each other constructive criticism and encouragement to continue trying. All 3 of us have all been on the injured list and 2 of us had serious injuries that kept us off the track for months. Having people encouraging you to keep your chin up and stay focused on the goal of returning to the track is imperative to feeling like you’re still part of the family, even when you are away. For me, personally, when I was out and feeling down, both my wives would still text me and call me and give me a recap on practices and going-ons. There is no better feeling in the world than knowing people care about you when you are away.
Killo: We support each other by just being there...She is my rock and I am hers. We vent to each other on everything and we know that we can rely on each other. Period. No matter what.
Jams: Even though Bratty now lives in another state (and is on a team called the Wreckers!), we still talk all the time about our derby experiences and are each other's sounding boards. This past year, we've both gone through our own challenges with Bratty starting fresh at a new league and my getting injured, so we look to each other to gain perspective and offer encouragement.
5) Is your relationship different now than when you first "married?"
Sassy: Yes we are waaayyyy closer now than before especially all the pain and injuries we’ve gone through. We call each other all the time and a day doesn't go by where one of my wives doesn't text me to see how my day is going. We’re not only friends, we’re family now. <3
Legs: Our bond has grown closer through the years. We have gone through all kinds of life experiences together. We are lucky to have each other! 
Bratty: I know that we are forever linked through derby and our “marriage.” She is coming to Portland for Rose City Rollers’ "Derby Daze" bootcamp. I can't wait to see her!!!