Transfer Skaters from Other Leagues

SFV Roller Derby welcomes skaters transferring from other leagues who are looking to continue playing roller derby.  Skaters may apply for transfer at any time during the season as long as a transfer letter/letter of recommendation is provided by the skater’s former league. Skaters will be eligible for placement into the SFV subpool or other travel team at the discretion of the training committee.

Requirements to transfer from another league

  • Email

  • Letter of recommendation from coach, head ref, team captain, or head of training that verifies good standing with previous league, and shows that they were an active member for the last six months of their time with the league.

  • Must resign from their previous league

  • Must be able to pass the WFTDA minimum skills test

Transfer skaters without a letter of recommendation from their former league will be placed in the Fresh Meat program. 

Visiting Skaters

We love to have visitors! If you are planning to be in the area, please send us an email at to make arrangements. Practice is $5 for visitors, and we ask that you show up 10-15 minutes early to fill out a waiver. If you are a skater from a local league within 60 miles, we ask that you limit your visits to no more than 2 times per month. Practices before a bout will be closed, so please send an email ahead of time.

We play at THE CAGE
11455 Magnolia Blvd.
North Hollywood, CA 91601